Program Gotong Royong Perdana Bilangan 2 Tahun 2024 ILP Kota Kinabalu

  • Program Gotong Royong Perdana Bilangan 2 Tahun 2024 ILP Kota Kinabalu
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The Grand Gotong Royong Program Number 2 for the year 2024 was held on 31 July 2024. All officers, staff, and students participated, focusing on road repair by patching potholes and painting road lines.

The football field was also improved by leveling it with sand, while dormitory repairs included fixing student locker locks. In the workshop areas, cleaning, reorganization of lecture rooms, and other tasks were carried out.

The management expressed gratitude to everyone involved for their commitment to making the program a success.

Bekerjasama bersatu hati,
Bagai aur dengan tebing,
Gunung sama didaki,
Lurah sama dituruni,
Yang berat sama dipikul,
Yang ringan sama dijinjing.

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