The Accredited Center (PB) Conference Session with the Director General of Skills Development (KPKK) for the year 2024 for the Sabah Zone and W.P. Labuan.

  • The Accredited Center (PB) Conference Session with the Director General of Skills Development (KPKK) for the year 2024 for the Sabah Zone and W.P. Labuan.
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Held at Dewan Teratai, ILP Kota Kinabalu, for the first time, the 2024 Accredited Center (PB) Conference with the Director General of Skills Development (KPPK) for the Sabah and WP Labuan zones took place.

The program aimed to connect the managers of accredited centers in these regions with the top management of the Department of Skills Development (JPK) to discuss current issues related to the implementation of the single rating system and to provide briefings on the COPTPA guidelines.
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